Artist Satement

Since I was three years old, right after immigrating to Miami from Mexico, art has been my therapy. Fortunately, this creative outlet continues to support me in my current life. Art provides me with a space to help others while also allowing me to express the topics I hold close to my heart.

I've always been fascinated by nature and its wonders. For me, nature is an escape from reality, where my imagination can run wild. Whether through animals, plants, flowers, or fruit, I immerse myself in the whimsical fantasies I create. Additionally, my dreams often inspire intricate storylines that fuel my artistic work. Crafting playful and eccentric tales enables me to transform the world into a vivid, imaginative universe. As my mind drifts through these dreams, I embrace nature’s complexity while reimagining its original narrative through the lens of my subconscious.

As I progress and grow as an artist, I aim to deepen connections with others through my work, leaving them profoundly impacted and understood. While I avoid confining my art to a single style, I often return to themes of nature, nostalgia, and universal human experiences. I’ve found that using acrylics and watercolors allows me to bring my vibrant and creative ideas to life, while graphite pencils help me capture the precision and detail needed for more realistic scenes. The balance between imagination and reality is a cornerstone of my artistic practice.


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